Filing a Complaint in New Orleans, Louisiana: A Step-by-Step Guide

Filing a complaint in New Orleans, Louisiana can be a daunting task. But with the right information and guidance, it doesn't have to be. This article will provide an overview of the process for filing a complaint in New Orleans, Louisiana, including how to fill out the complaint form, who to contact for help, and what happens after the complaint is filed. The initial step in filing a complaint in New Orleans is to complete the complaint form or the commendation form.

This form can be found on the website of the Louisiana Commission on Human Rights (LCHR). It is important to note that there is no cost for this service. Once you have established that the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners is the right agency to handle your complaint, you must submit it in writing. There are two ways to do this: by mail or online.

If you choose to submit your complaint by mail, you should send it to Rocheblave, New Orleans, LA 70119. In most cases, you will need to sign an authorization before the Board can ask the licensee to respond to the complaint. However, on rare occasions and on a case-by-case basis, the Board may investigate an anonymous complaint if there is enough information to prove the accusation by other means. If this is the case, you may want to discuss your concerns with a member of the Board's research staff. Once your complaint has been received by the Board, they have a variety of actions they can take against a licensee. These actions can range from informal counseling and education to formal action that includes the imposition of testing conditions or, in some cases, suspension or revocation.

In most cases, you will receive a letter confirming that your complaint has been received. After reviewing your complaint, if it is decided that no laws or regulations have been violated or that the complaint cannot be substantiated, you will receive a letter notifying you that the case is closed. If you have not received a letter notifying you of the closure of the case, follow the instructions in the fourth paragraph of the acknowledgment letter you received at the beginning of the claim process. The Board strives to complete their review and investigation of complaints within 90 days of receiving them. However, when a complaint is more complex and affects several patients, professionals, or complaints, these investigations can take up to a year or more to complete. If you are filing a negligence lawsuit against your doctor through the Medical Board, submit your request in writing and send it to their address found on their verifications page on their website.

You can also contact them directly to determine if a record keeper has been reported. If another doctor has taken over the office, their records may be available there.